Lost of people ask me how I got into the events industry and why I decided to start my own business. I wanted to be honest and open with you so that if you are in the same position of wanting to start your own business this might give you the boost to do so and if you are a potential client this is a little bit of information on how I got myself to where I am today.

I have always loved planning and creating something special for people around me from family and friends parties to celebrating every achievement in life, so at the age of 25 I decided to start reaching out to events companies to see if I could learn more about the industry.
I sent off lots of applications and unfortunately they all came back to say I wasn't the right fit for their companies because I didn't have any previous event experience. This was a common reply with the applications. At this time I was working in my full time job in Retail so I didn't have any time to gain experience as I worked weekends as well as days during the week. As most people know 90% of the time events happen over the weekends and because of my work schedule I could never commit. I needed to keep my full time job as I needed to financially support myself.

Now seeing all of these declines in your inbox could get you down but I was determined to spin this into a positive. I decided to believe in myself because I knew what I was capable of and how I could help other people. There are times I would talk myself out of this as I was scared I was going to fail and make myself look stupid. The reality is you will make mistakes but I quickly learnt that making those mistakes taught me more about myself, my business and what I wanted my life to look like.
I started designing my first logo working with a very talented friend to make that a reality. Later that year I threw a Masquerade Ball for my partners and I's Birthday and invited all our closest friends and family. I hired a professional photographer and used this as a showcase for potential clients. When I started in 2018 I knew very little about running a company, as we didn't get taught these things at school. Over the next couple of years I worked with industry experts and invested in a business coach Faye Cornhill. She runs a club called the Wedding Business Club filled with over 400 members, all in the Wedding Industry. This is brilliant for networking and every month there is a new module teaching you new skills and giving you tools to implement into you business to attract new clients. It also means I have over 400 of the countries best suppliers to hand when helping plan my clients events.

Over the last few years my business has developed and I have a steady calendar of events. Running your own business is no walk in the park but I love what I do for my clients and the difference my services make to them is really important to me. I will always go above and beyond. It was the best decision I ever made and hopefully in the near future this will turn into a full time job so I can serve and meet more incredible people. Reading all my 5 star google reviews and seeing the difference I have made to my clients means the world to me and gives me confidence to continue on this journey.
Trust in yourself and the process and amazing things will happen.
Please let me know in the comments if you enjoyed this post and what you thought.
Love Becca